Photo by Kazia Cumbler
About the Author
Erin is an award winning author and illustrator. Her family is from Northern Minnasota. She grew up in Iowa and then spent a bunch of years wandering around the world. Over time she’s collected bits of this and that, but her most favorite collection is her group of friends. These days, Erin lives in Palos Verdes, CA with her husband, daughter, hamster, dog, and the neighborhood Peacock. She writes, paints, and crafts in a cottage with a yard that looks suspiciously similar to Caterina’s Corner.
Check out her recent Meet the Illustrator feature on Brightly: http://www.readbrightly.com/meet-illustrator-erin-eitter-kono/
And you can visit her website: www.eekono.com

Copyright 2012 © erin eitter kono